Digital Tutors Exploring NURBS in Maya 2012 英文正式版(Maya 2012探索NURBS曲面建模教程軟體)
由Digital Tutors 公司出品的Digital Tutors Exploring NURBS in Maya 2012 教程,
Maya 2012探索NURBS曲面建模教程。
In this course we will discuss the basics of using NURBS geometry in
our modeling workflow.
NURBS stands for Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline, but they are much more
useful to a 3d artist than the name might indicate. In this series of
lessons we?ll get up to speed on NURBS geometry and talk about some of
the ways it can be used in our modeling workflows. We?ll begin by
talking about the basic NURBS building blocks and look at the different
NURBS components that can be manipulated to get the shapes we want.
We'll cover methods for creating curves, the framework of NURBS objects.
We'll then explore many of the ways that we can use curves to create
different types of NURBS objects, from revolving to extruding and lofting.
We'll also talk about using trimmed surfaces to create complex cut-outs
and we'll discuss NURBS parameterization. In addition, we'll look at ways
of attaching and detaching curves and surfaces, combining objects with
Booleans, and methods of blending together multiple objects. In the end,
you'll have a better idea of what NURBS geometry is and how you can start
to integrate it into your modeling workflow.
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